Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Translation of Phraseological Units with Animal Names

INTRODUCTION Phraseology is a study of set or fixed expressions, such as idioms, phrasal verbs, and other types of multi-word lexical units, in which the component parts of the expression take on a meaning more specific than or otherwise not predictable from the sum of their meanings when used independently. The classification of phraseological units can be different. According to Vinogradov, there are phraseological combinations, unities and fussions. The Koonin’s classification is the latest outstanding achievement in the Russian theory of phraseology.The classification is based on the combined structural – semantic principle and it also considers the quotient of stability of phraseological units. It is represented by nominative phraseological units, nominative – communicative phraseological units, phraseological units – which are neither nominative nor communicative include interjectional word-groups and communicative phraseological units. My research i s related to the phraseological units with zoonimical component and their semantic structure.Zoonims, that are used in our language, are really meaningful, they are directed to the allegorical characteristic, probably metaphorical and stylistically emphasized. The aim of this research is to explore deeper the given phraseological units. I have set such objectives: 1) to explicate a concept of phraseological unit with zoonimical component and to reveal the regularities of their usage; 2) to analyse their semantic and structural peculiarities.The methods investigation research strategy are as followed: 1) method of the system analysis, that is a study of the subject of the investigation as a totality of elements, that create a system; 2) descriptive method, that gives the full description of phraseological units. The object of my investigation is the phraseological units with zoonimical component. The subject is the expressive means of Modern English phraseological units. These means are the morphological, syntactical, phonetic and lexical peculiarities of these phraseological units.Theoretical and practical value of the research consists in that fact, that nowadays there is a small amount of investigations about phraseological units with zoonimical component. Besides, the researches in the area of phraseology have become popular in the last decades. The results of this study are also important for the translation, as the translator should know the peculiarities of different idioms, in this case with zoonimical component. Composition of the research paper: The research consists of the introduction, two chapters, that are theoretical and practical parts, the conclusion and the bibliography.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Neighbourhood watch research study

Aim of study: Lethbridge, a small suburb has implemented a small neighborhood watch program. The study aims at examining the impact of the program on volumes of complaints about victimization, fear of crime, and deviant behavior or unsociable acts such as graffiti or disorderly behavior that cause annoyance in the local neighborhood Scope of Research study: The research study on Neighborhood watch will proceed along the following steps. Prompt attention to problems of the study. Personal contact with community leaders and police executives involved in study Data collection by survey, observation, inspection and examination Informal interviews with local residents Drafting questionnaire and schedules Pre-testing questionnaires and schedules Examination of results of pre-tests to detect and eliminate inconsistencies Drafting revised final questionnaires Outlining field interviews Analyzing collected data Drafting of final report Source of research design: This research design has been inspired by the Design used by Samuel Stouffer in his studies of the American Soldier. It is a routine design, which is at once practical for applied research as well as rigorous to scientific prescription. Progress of research- The problem under research was identified- whether the Neighborhood watch program has led to a decline in complaints of victimization and fear of crime, unsocial acts and suspicious behavior that may cause annoyance or alarm to the local residents. A systematic analysis of the problems involved study of crime figures and public perceptions of the sense of security before and after commencement of the program, evaluating the extent and application of community mobilization and sensitization, checking of documentation relating to actual implementation, assessment of the quality of collaboration among local residents and the integration of the beat police into the program. Neighborhood watch being one of the acknowledged strategies in community policing, the study would also consider if crime prevention and other objectives of the program could have been better achieved if neighborhood watch was combined with other strategies commonly adopted in the community policing paradigm. To make the study academically meaningful and empirically sound, community leaders and beat officers were interviewed to elicit important information like public perception of the sense of security in the local neighborhood and to collect figures of reported crime as well as victimization before and after program, extent of community participation, nature of crime prevention strategies such as target hardening by means of physical measures as well as by community mobilization to promote social cohesion, the employment of other location specific tactics if any etc Collection of Data on the fear of crime including a) complaints on crime, suspicious activities reported, deviant behavior b) Any Increase/decrease in complaints over a period d) No of people enrolled neighborhood watch scheme e) Partnerships with other resident associations Informal interview with people concerned- Interview with citizens will unfold information on the motivation, efficacy and success of the Neighborhood watch program. Particular emphasis on whether collaborative efforts to promote safety in the neighborhood has lead also to a sense of ownership of the neighborhood by all individual residents and the creation of a community of interests despite the heterogeneous nature of the community.   Also how community mobilization and cooperative crime prevention efforts promote social cohesion, which in turn brings about understanding local problems that ultimately lead to crime. A Questionnaire and Schedule can be designed and distributed in each target home. It will contain questions on fear of crime, the level of security enjoyed by them, on their awareness of psychological or other criminogenic factors that contribute to crime, deviance or antisocial tendencies among the young, shared values on the objectives and methodology of community crime prevention, perceptions on problems that confront the Neighboutrhood Watch program, any areas that need reform and community evaluation of the success of the program A pre-testing drive of questionnaires and schedules can be undertaken. The results of the Pretest can be examined and scrutinized to check for inconsistencies or errors. A thoroughly revised and final questionnaire can be devised and distributed. Results of field interviews may be outlined. Collected Data maybe analyzed. A final report is presented. The results should indicate positive impact of Neighborhood watch programs on reducing crime and the fear of crime in this area. Theoretical background of the Study: a) Effective crime prevention is achieved not by policing alone, but through the cooperative effort of the community based on a mature understanding of the causative factors of crime. The community in this context is the local neighborhood that has a commonality of interests in prevention of crime and in enhancing the sense of security of all local residents. If the community is properly mobilized and educated, it can evolve joint and collaborative strategies that can break the crime triangle- the victim, the offender and the location- at a suitable point. Neighborhood watch is one such strategy. b) The Study assumes that the best way to enlist Community collaboration in reducing crime is through two means-1) Physical Means- This is called as Target Hardening in which each home is assessed for its vulnerability to victimization and measures are designed to deter the offender from gaining easy access to the potential victim. This can be most effectively attempted at the stage of planning construction and if this has not been possible, then through suitable modification of existing structure. Target hardening can be more effective if, in addition to physical restructuring, the immediate neighbors undertake to keep a watch on the potential victim’s premises and access points in order to detect and report any suspicious activity to the police promptly. c) The Study further proceeds on the less obvious assumption hat that target hardening through physical measures can be most effectively supplemented by eliminating alienation and anonymity in the local neighborhood by means of community mobilization and social cohesion. This is because when local residents come together in a spirit of fraternity and mutual support, they are able to see more clearly criminogenic factors, whether on account of deviation or neighborhood decline and disorder. It is then possible to identify local problems of petty annoyance or disorderly behavior that when neglected ultimately lead to crime and to devise effective strategies to find suitable solutions through a process of constant consultation and consensus. d) The Study also assumes that today the idea gaining currency is that prevention of crime-especially crime involving neighborhoods is a responsibility that must be shared by the Police as well as the citizens in a spirit of partnership. The police has traditionally promoted the idea that they are exclusively responsible for crime control and that the community has no role whatever in the matter. The community on its part seldom understands or appreciates that factors that cause crime such as poverty or psychological aberration is beyond the capacity of the police to control. As a result crime prevention strategies in the past placed too much reliance on the police agency as crime fighters. Sociological research and field experiments conducted in the USA during the 1970s clearly brought out the fact that an increase in police presence hardly ever led to a decline in crime; stringent enforcement at best led to displacement. On the other hand, foot patrol, which brought the police and the community closer, did in fact have a positive impact in reducing crime and the fear of crime in the community. Neighborhood watch as an effective crime prevention strategy evolved from the important realization that the police alone cannot solve the problems of crime and disorder and that the community is the best resource for controlling crime. The community policing philosophy that has changed the profile of policing in many democratic countries has emerged from this realization of the role of community participation in policing efforts and its partnership with the police in identifying local problems that lead to crime and in devising effective solutions for local problems. e) The Study also takes note of the fact that field experiments conducted in many States and cities in the USA demonstrate that not only police effectiveness in controlling crime is enhanced by community policing strategies such as neighborhood watch, they also help the police to earn legitimacy from the community, that is qualitatively different from legitimacy accorded by law alone. The police also therefore stand to gain such strategies of crime prevention undertaken in partnership with the community. Findings and recommendations:   For crime control society has traditionally relied on formal police organizations and their time-honored practices of deterrence such as random patrol, fast response, strong armed enforcement represented by terms such as zero tolerance and investigation and prosecution of offenders. But police ineffectiveness and police inadequacy in dealing with crime have been sufficiently well documented. Community policing that has replaced the traditional enforcement style of policing is based on the assumption that the police need to develop positive relations with the community, involve the community in the quest for crime control and crime prevention and further pool their resources with those of the community to address the most pressing concerns of its members. The police strategy is adapted to fit the needs of particular neighborhoods and neighborhood watch happens to be one that suits most communities, once they have been properly mobilized and educated. The Study has been based on the assumptions of the community policing paradigm and has relied upon the responses of members of the community which is the local neighborhood in this case and empirical data collected through official police sources to develop a reliable understanding of the impact of neighborhood watch on important concerns of the community such as crime and the fear of crime and victimization, neighborhood decline and disorder and the lack of social cohesion that results from a fear of crime and distrust of others. Though the program alone will not be capable of eliminating crime and disorder entirely by itself, the Study amply demonstrates that in combination with other strategies of community policing it can go a long way in reducing crime and the fear of crime and additionally bring about greater social cohesion. The Study however shows that there are certain minimum conditions for mobilizing a local neighborhood for effective participation and collaboration in crime prevention work. First of all, people must understand the need to cooperate is vital from the point of common security. People must also come to believe that there are solutions to the problems of insecurity that they confront each day and solutions must be such that they can comprehend. People must also be able to develop faith in the efficacy of the new method. These are conditions that are not easy to fulfill, but if the proper police leadership takes up the challenge of mobilizing and educating the community, it should not be too difficult a task as several experiments have shown in many parts of the world. Neighborhood watch is moreover a very visible and demonstrable strategy that can earn trust and credibility if it is properly managed. The Study therefore shows that neighborhood watch is a program full of potential and promise if motivated leadership of the police and the local community initiates it REFERENCES- 1.Bucqueroux and Trojanowicz 1990 â€Å"Community Policing- A contemporary perspective† Anderson publishing Co. Cincinnati. 2. Bayley, David H.1998   â€Å" What works in Policing† Oxford University Press 3.FriedMann, Robert.R 1992   â€Å"Community Policing† Harvester wheat Sheaf. 4. Goldstein H.1977 â€Å" Policing a Free society â€Å" Ballinger publishing. 5. Manning K.1978† Policing- A view from the Street†- Goodyear Publishing co. 6.Rosenbaum Dennis P.1994 â€Å" The Challenge of community Policing† Sage.                        

Monday, July 29, 2019

Discussion Board 4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion Board 4 - Essay Example various options such as empathic and objective listening, nonjudgmental and critical listening, surface depth listening, polite and impolite listening, and finally, active and inactive listening. All of these options are used during a given moment in time. Each type of listening activity is dependent upon the existing conditions that may distract the attention of the listener and thus require an adjustment in his listening attention abilities. The culture and gender of the listeners have a direct effect on their ability to effectively listen to their peers. Admittedly, people never listen to each other the same way, each person listens to an responds to others in unique methods that are dictated by his ability to listen. The culture of a person has preconditioned him to listen to his peers in a certain way and it is this method that he will use regardless of the differing culture of the next person he listens to. This is almost the same reason as to why men and women have different ways of listening to others and each other. Women tend to listen in order to share feelings and establish closer relationships with their peers. Men on the other hand use listening as a method by which they can flaunt their natural or artificial abilities with his peers. Therefore, the focus of man is mostly on sharing information with one another. Women on the other hand seek to come to an agreement amongst themselves while discussing and list ening to one another. Therefore, the two sexes have distinct listening styles that are geared towards their gender specific roles and expectations within a given

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Favorite Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Favorite Research - Essay Example Contact phone numbers and addresses of the association are also given. 2. this site is hosted by Pension Real Estate Association, the site for institutional investors in real estate ie. Pension funds, endowments, foundations and other funds. The useful information on this site is: b. Research Report under the link "/research/ plansponsorsurvey_2006.pdf" Gives comparative data of 2005 and 2006 on real estate investment actual and targeted. This page also gives the comparative investment strategy of its members. This is very comprehensive information for anyone studying real estate investments. d. The membership is open to institutes (organizations that provide investment management, advisory, consulting, property management, legal, accounting, appraisal or other services to corporate and public pension funds, endowments, foundations, Taft Hartley plans and other institutional investors, not for profit organizations and academic institutions). Rates for membership vary depending upon the status. d. It provides rate information (US Treasuries, repurchase agreements, interest rate swaps, agency securities, mortgage-backed securities, spot FX) and country profiles (country's credit rating, short-term investment alternatives and payment/clearing systems) again for members only.

Chinas Hong Kong Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Chinas Hong Kong - Research Paper Example This protest has been continued till this point of time. Historically, the city of Hong Kong has enjoyed much social and economic freedom. However, this freedom is only limited to the non-political aspects and the political aspect has not been extended to the people of Hong Kong as the existing political administration is being controlled by Beijing which does not believe in democracy and democratic norms. And this has largely affected the social fabric of Hong Kong as this political divide has considerably created a rift in the society in which both supporters and dissenters to the political system exist. In the following parts of this paper, first protest background has been given in which historical perspective relating to political system has been provided. It is followed by the methodology section highlighting the research strategy for collecting the related data. Before the conclusion part, different aspects relating to Central have been discussed and elaborated as well. Â  Hong Kong is a strange city where major types of social and economic rights exist and are exercised by the citizens of this city. Its current political system is based on ‘executive-led’ system in which Beijing and China extend authoritative powers to the executive branch having authority to take administrative and political decisions besides exercising unquestioned political authority for implementing the administrative decisions without requiring approval from Hong Kong’s political structure and the judiciary (Gittings 93).

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Marketing Communications Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Marketing Communications - Assignment Example There are several marketing tools that are used by the companies for the purpose of promotional activities. Campaign is one of the techniques that are often used by the companies to promote a brand or product. The following report is based on the Vodafone and its operations in the UK market. It is seen that the present situation of Vodafone in the market is not too good as from a market position of third place in the market it will be falling back to the last place. This has happened due to the decision of BT to take over EE and decision of Hutchison whampoa the owner of three to take over O2. This will be causing a major change in the mobile landscape of the country and the company needs to change the marketing strategy that the company uses. The company must make use of integrated marketing communication and a new campaign should be launched in order to increase the market share of the company. The present scenario and the application of the integrated marketing communication are studied based on the application of SOSTAC model. SOSTAC model is an important tool which is utilized for planning campaigns. Marketing strategies are designed on basis of this model in order to evaluate current situation properly and formulate plans for future growth. Different planning activities can be easily structured through SOSTAC model. SOSTAC planning model was developed during 1990 to facilitate easier accomplishment of tasks by marketing practitioners. This model encompasses certain factors such as situation, objectives, strategy, tactics, actions and control. Situation indicates the current marketing scenario. Objectives reflect upon key tasks to be accomplished through marketing strategies. Strategy relates to the path which needs to be followed in order to achieve set goals or objectives. Tactics outlines the method that can help in reaching set targets. Action is the plan framed by

Friday, July 26, 2019

Business Ethics and Virtue Ethics 3 SLP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Ethics and Virtue Ethics 3 SLP - Essay Example It is also seen in the fair representation of divergent views by respecting both merits and demerits. It encompasses such aspects as impartiality, fidelity and equity. Justice can always be viewed in various dimensions. In the context of harmony, justice refers to receiving an equivalent share depending on the efforts we place on an undertaking. In this respect justice is seen as a way of mitigating any misunderstanding that might arise out of inappropriate allocations. In another respect, justice emerges as a divine command that drives the conduct of humanity (Jost & Wuerth, 2011). For instance, killing somebody is wrong and should therefore be punished. It is therefore one of the moral principles that is normally intended to enhance peace and coexistence in the world. In virtue ethics, justice in this respect is quite important as a way of promoting the highest morals and principles (Gavai, 2010). In essence all the theories of justice advocate the fact that everyone should actuall y receive what they deserve in life. For instance things like wealth and social status should always be distributed in a way that matches the respective merits of individuals. More importantly, the distribution of wealth should always match the overall contribution of an individual to the social good (Hooft, 2006). The concept of justice is normally closely associated with an element of fairness in dealings. It connotes the impartial distribution of resources in a way that limits any cases of dissatisfaction. In this regard, everyone should have the liberty to enjoy all the basic rights accorded to humanity. Kindness is also one of the most important aspects in virtue ethics and refers to the condition of being kind and characterized by charitable and good behavior (Michalos, 2011). It is also seen as a way of showing concern and disposition for others. While kindness is essentially a virtue, it is normally recognized as a value in the context of religions and cultures. In any case, acts of kindness normally benefit both the receivers and the givers. To the giver, it is more about feeling a sense of contentment and relaxation out of doing well to others (Hendry, 2004). In most cases kindness is seen as the ability and willingness of helping someone in need not in return for anything. The basic concept here is the need to help the other person. Kindness as a virtue is certainly very important in all aspects of life. The element of being kind can greatly enable somebody to achieve a lot of respect and mileage in many situations. In this case, kindness is always encouraged in most cultures and religions as a ways of enhancing peace, harmony and coexistence among the various societies and communities in the world (Crisp & Slote, 2004). Honesty is also part of the moral character that is normally encouraged and highly regarded in life. The aspect of being honest connotes the attributes of integrity and truthfulness as opposed to deceit and telling lies. In this cas e, honesty encompasses straightforwardness without such aspects like theft or cheating. It is a way of encouraging people to always tell the truth since it is one of the ways of avoiding many vices in life. In an organizational setup, the element of virtue ethics is certainly very important in promoting business ethics and enhancing the proper coordination of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Deisel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Deisel - Essay Example Since Diesel lies in the luxury sector, the products and services provided to the clients in the United States are on the high-end wealth spectrum. These groups are insensitive to prices and prefer spending their income and time on clothes as well as other accessories that portray opulence as opposed to necessities. For these reasons, the prestige and luxury brands that Diesel provides its clients in the United States have attracted an unwavering and illogical loyalty from consumers (Trebay). In the United States today, the luxury scene has been influenced by a variety of factors. A mass class of rich people has developed in different regions across the country. This is due to social, economic, and technological breakthroughs. In addition, Diesel has been forced to introduce a broad range of luxury brands in the company in order to eliminate the barriers that have dominated the industry for some time. It has also provided the different groups of consumers with more choice in order to succeed in the market. Furthermore, the rapid growth being witnessed in information, digital, and communication technology has allowed Diesel to give its consumers in the U.S. more variety in terms of luxury products. In this case, the company is able to view choices as well as lower switching costs particularly in the Internet. This has made it possible for clients to be more experimental, individualistic and bold enough to combine luxury as well as high-street fashion to a single outfit (T rebay). To continue operating successfully in the United States, Diesel has manipulated its marketing mix strategies, which have allowed the company to christen its fashion brands for it to be similar to other luxury brands in the country. Furthermore, the prevalence of mass-premium brands is prevalent in best locations, such as New York. In this case, the company is now capable of acting as well as speaking as a high-end brand that has set the trend in the country. Diesel has managed

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Linguistic Data Collection with Critical Commentary Essay

Linguistic Data Collection with Critical Commentary - Essay Example Center of discussion in this paper is linguistics, the study of the structure and nature of a language. Traditionally, it encompasses syntax, phonology and semantics. Synchronic study of linguistics aims at describing a language as it appears at the time. Diachronic studies describe a language in its historical development. The philosophers from Greek brought a debate on the origin of language. They were the first in the Western countries to get concern about the theory of linguistic. Thrax Dionysus wrote the first Greek grammar during the first century Before Christ. It was a roman grammar model that led to Renaissance and medieval vernacular grammars. The rise of linguistics historically in the 19th century enabled it to become a science. During early 20th and late 19th centuries, a linguistic structuralist school was set up by Ferdinand de sausure. It allowed analysis of actual speech and learning about the basis and structure of a language. Noam chosky argued in 1950s that, struc turalist program must study native speakers’ competence and not the performance. His approach to linguistic is referred to as transformational generative grammar was revised severally in the recent period to become an extended theory. It is also important to look at discourse markers since they will help in the deeper understanding of the information distinguishing between the right and false information regarding the organization. The paper will examine phonetic transcription whereby real words from the interviewee will give a clear distinction between the previous and the current perception of the Freemasonry. It helps to give clear pronunciation of words by the speaker in order to be understood better. The following lines give the aspect of discourse, 01.15 01:0049 interviewee statements. Data Collecting Techniques There are different methods of collecting data in linguistics. They include participant-observation, interviews, introspection, written data and questionnaires. In the participant-observer, the researcher must be one of the native speakers of the language to apply this method of data collecting (Kontra, 2004). The method can be applicable to this research but, it cannot allow room for acquiring all the required information. Introspection is a method of data co

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Political Economy Lectures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Political Economy Lectures - Essay Example The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is an organization whose main aim is to advocate for the rights of Muslims in North America. It can be said that it represents all Muslim who live in North America. Its headquarters are situated in Washington D.C, and it has offices in at least twenty states and in Canada, and advocating for mutual understanding and justice is its vision. Its mission is to empower all American Muslims,, protect their rights, encourage dialogue and promoting understanding and justice through building coalitions. The talk informed us of what the Council on American-Islam Relations (CAIR) does in its day to day operations. They include, protecting the rights of American Muslims during questioning by the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) and other law enforcement agencies, fighting for the rights of Muslims who have been subjected to employment discrimination and even those who have been terminated wrongfully. It also stopped unlawful seizers of prope rty by law enforcement and also advocates for equal student rights in schools and other learning institutions. The talks also sort to educate us on how people stereotype Muslims in America. ... Most people picked the first two photographs because the people in the photographs had dressed in a manner suggesting they were Muslims. The speaker showed how people were wrong by telling them that even the blond lady in one of the photographs was indeed a Muslim. The talk also informed us on the demography associated with Muslims in America. The speaker pointed out that Democrat accepted Muslim Americans more than Republicans. For instance the speaker pointed out that in the 2008 presidential elections seventy nine percent of Muslims living in America voted for the candidate from the Democratic Party. It was also pointed out that the Republican Party should advocate for the rights of American Muslim since they hold a significant percentage of the national vote. The theme of the talk was generally tolerance towards Muslims in America. The speaker aimed at showing how and why Muslims living in America are subjected to a lot of torment due to the issue of terrorism. He showed this by identifying the rise of Anti-Islam movements and Islam phobia in the United States of America. Islamophobia is an extreme fear of and hatred of Muslims. After the terrorist attack on the twin towers in September 11th 2001, hatred and fear of Muslim in America rose. Since then, Muslims in America have been put to discrimination and violence. ` After the talk, it was clear how Muslims in America have been oppressed. The talk made me realize that the opinion I had about Muslims in general was just a stereotype and that it was wrong. I came to understand what Muslims go through and how their rights are violated. I would encourage the Council on American-Islam Relation (CAIR) to continue with their good work in lobbying for the rights of

Monday, July 22, 2019

Summary and Response in the Face of Imperialism Essay Example for Free

Summary and Response in the Face of Imperialism Essay In the subtitle â€Å"Orthodoxy as ‘Objectivity† of â€Å"Thinking About Empire† Michael Parenti argues that all opinions are not of the same value, and the more entrenched the orthodox view becomes, the more irrelevant evidence will be. Firstly, the functions of the heterodox view is to contest the prevailing orthodoxy, to broaden the boundaries of debate, to wake people up and unearth suppressed data. However, the function of orthodox is just the opposite. As we all know, people’s self-protection will be motivated by meeting something they never think about or even never met before. They will fall back when they are in this kind of situation. Secondly, some inflammatory topics like the legitimacy of the 2004 presidential election in the United State, Shangri-La image of Tibet before the Chinese invasion and so on raise issues. They break the traditional ideas, deny rational discourse and make an assertion. This process creates the dominant paradigms. However, whether they will be created all depends on their intellectual reputation or even their careers. In the subtitle â€Å"The Myth of Innocent Empires† of the article Michael Parenti argues that empires seem to be innocent unintentional accretions sometimes, however, they actually are not innocent, absent-minded, accidental accretions. Empires have been welcomed and glorified by people by being given empires laudatory names. They are seen as innocent without plans and reasons occasionally like the example of the United State invaded Iraq. Nevertheless, empires are not innocent, because rulers would like to plunder other lands and people by using them such as the British aggression of India and the Americans armed intervention against Iraq. I agree with Michael Parenti’s idea which is â€Å"When the orthodox view becomes so entrenched, evidence becomes irrelevant†. He use one sentence for a paragraph independently, which I think is very important. I think in this way. The orthodox view have been existed for a while, and people always think it’s right, and never question it. When it faces challenges, people’s first reaction is challenges are wrong even there are some evidence. Believe it or not, some ideological cognition and perspectives about something have already been existed in our mind. Before we judge it, we have already had a answer, unless something we never know. When it comes to whether empires are innocent. I also agree with him. Empires are not innocent. There are a lot aggressions cause by empires in history. They took lives from innocent people, destroy the nature, and so on. Although empires once make people get together, makes them apart as well.

Controversial Television Program Essay Example for Free

Controversial Television Program Essay My topic is Controversial Television Program; I believe that I can’t exclusively pertain to only one source. Why? Having a specific source restricts the information available for my topic that will hinder the comparisons of the advantages and disadvantages of certain controversial programs. A controversial television program doesn’t necessarily mean it has a â€Å"negative† impact to the audience, rather than a good conventional discussion for audience to tackle a particular issue that has a significant effect to the society or to an individual. It does not constraints ones idea, rather it asks us to become open minded and embrace various issues to talk about and open our minds and do something about it. This controversial television program varies from time to time. Decades ago, people are more conservative and restrict television programs that only cater to their taste, to their way of living. But now, people opt to have taste of these things that enhance their minds and argue things. I have chosen 3 various resources for my paper, and these three resources are great combinations to help me enable present a better research paper. These resources are in the same form of media as to my topic, and would surely cover all my questions and be able to expound a good argument to my audience.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

An Introduction To Counselling Psychology Essay

An Introduction To Counselling Psychology Essay Within this essay, the key concepts and principles of the person centred approach to counselling will be evaluated and discussed on how they inform and influence a person centred approach to counselling. Person centred theory or person centred counselling is the theory of counselling which originated from Carl Rogers. Originally this type of counselling was also known as a nondirective approach to therapy or client centred therapy (Gladding, 2011). Zimring and Raskin (1992, cited in Tudor et al, 2004)) did a review on the history of the person centred approach and divided the first fifty years of counselling into four main periods of the approach. However, this essay will consider the first two periods of the history within the Rogers theory of counselling. Zimring and Raskin (1992, cited in Tudor et al, 2004) claim that the first period begins in 1940 with Rogers presenting to a University his thoughts on newer concepts to psychotherapy; this was subsequently published two years later. The two characteristics of the first phase to the approach is the therapists role which would be the responses towards the client and the clients feelings which are distinct from the content, and secondly, the acceptance, recognition and the clarification of feelings whether they were positive, negative or ambivalent (Tudor et al, 2004, p. 21). This would explain and possible influence one of the three core conditions of unconditional positive regard that Rogers developed within the therapeutic relationship, which will be discussed in more depth further on within this piece of work. The second phase began in 1950 where Rogers outlines the framework and structure of the client centred approach and his hypothesis for therapy and therapeutic change. More significant within this decade was Rogers hypothesis of the six necessary and sufficient conditions of a clients personality change and personal growth. Although until recently it was believed that, only the core conditions needed to be present for positive change to occur (reference). However, before this essay discusses the six necessary and sufficient conditions for change to occur, the three key concepts that are the underpinning to the person centred approach need to be addressed in depth. The first of which is the organisms. Although Rogers was a careful writer, he took the idea of the organism for granted that within his written work it is suggested that he saw no need to define the organism when writing about the key theoretical concepts or constructs to the person centred approach (Tudor et al, 2004). Rogers believed that the inner core of a mans personality is the organism itself, which is essentially both self-preserving and social (Tudor et al, 2004, p.25). Rogers also asserted that the characteristic of the organism has a basic tendency and strives to actualise, maintain, and enhance the experience of the organism (Rogers, 2003). According to Tudor et al (2004) the actualising tendency or AT is at times conceptualised as something solid and separate to the organism, therefore, to prevent any misconceptions within this essay it shall refer to the actualising tendency as the organisms tendency to actualise which is perceived as a characteristic of the organism. Rogers has associated the organisms tendency to actualise Incongruence between self-concept and the experience of self is denied and distorted Through the Rogers definition of the organism as mentioned previously, the description of the organism is the individual person or client and is not to be confused with the self. The self is believed to be the personality of the said organism and holds the feelings, opinions and the values of the individual (Tudor et al, 2004) person. These are two completely different aspects of the person centred approach, however, they can arguably be perceived for exactly the same entity, and not two separate entities as Rogers intended. Rogers understood this and described the self as taking shape when the organism or individual acknowledges and accepts that they are who they are and this is their personality. This process according to Rogers clearly observed within the first two years of an infants life, (Tudor et al, 2004) and the conditions of worth that are created at this point in development would be shaped by the parental influence and carried on further into the individuals adult life as a concept of self or the self-concept. Conditions of worth are manifested from the positive regard or conditional regard received by the infant from either a parental influence or significant other, thus the conditions of worth within the self becomes embedded in the child. When referring to a significant other it is meant as someone other than the parent whom providers care for the infant within this time of development (reference). In the event of the self receiving conditions of worth, it embodies the external or internal locus of evaluation. The individuals external or internal locus of evaluation. Frame of reference However, the clients frame of reference can also connote the moment-by-moment awareness that the client experiences (Worsley, 2001). It is apparent that the person centred counsellor does not have a model for child development as the simple phrase conditions of worth which Rogers termed, encompass the entirety of the developing child (McLeod, 2009). The process of counselling has positives, just as equally as every other profession does. The function of counselling is aimed at overcoming any negative qualities, which the client may have, and highlights all the positive qualities a client has. Rogers believed that all people were good and every person has the right to be psychological well-being. Also counselling whatever theoretical approach is used as a basis is to increase a clients responsibility and for them to make positive choices that assist them to feel, think and act effectively within todays society (Colledge, 2002). The counsellors role within the client relationship is to provide emotional warmth where the client can experience a feeling of safety and can see oneself objectively without any emotional complications. The counsellor provides a genuine alter ego that accepts the clients self as he / she has known it to be, and accepts the distorted and denied self with the same depth of warmth and respect, thus, the client can equally accept both aspects of the self (Rogers, 2003). The counsellor provides the client with an empathetic understanding, unconditional positive regard, and congruence. Congruence within the therapeutic relationship is highly important and beneficial to the therapeutic relationship, however, Colledge (2002) argued, that if counsellors congruence within themselves is at a low level the counsellor could not trust their own intuition during the counselling session. However, it is suggested that a therapeutic relationship thats characterised by the core conditions (congruence, empathy and unconditional positive regard) help strengthen the clients self and encourage clients to talk openly about feelings as the counsellor is the active listener and values them and their opinions. Although, very few studies have been conducted to support this, Bachelor (1988 cited in Bozarth Wilkins, 2001, 3rd Edition) conducted a study that supported this hypothesis. The study showed that the clients who felt understood, accepted, non-judged and valued from the counsellor, experienced more self-validation and found it safer to self disclosure and would explore deeper levels of emotions and perceptions within themselves. Within the client counsellor relationship, it is suggested that the counsellors role is to provide amongst various things, for example, a safe environment and unconditional positive regard. This is one of the three core conditions required to provide a positive change within the client, furthermore, unconditional positive regard directly disrupts any conditions of worth by the positive regard of parental or significant others: the counsellor values the client irrespective of the clients conforming to any conditions of worth (Mearns Thorne, 2010) the client may have. The core conditions of unconditional positive regard, empathy, congruence and the six necessary and sufficient conditions the client experiences within the therapeutic relationship between the client and counsellor has proved invaluable and aids the seven stage process to therapeutic movement (Rogers, 2003) within the organism or the organismic self. Furthermore, Rogers emphasised that the six necessary and sufficient conditions are the key to establish the counselling relationship and for therapeutic growth to occur successfully. Rogers published these in 1957 which are that two people need to be in psychological contact, which means that the people would need to be on the same journey together, the second condition would be that the client would be in the state of incongruence between self and the self-concept, and be vulnerable and anxious. Naturally, this would be the case as a person only seeks counselling if they are in any form of conflict. The third condition stated that the therapist has or for a better choice of word, counsellor, is congruent and united within the therapeutic relationship. The fourth and fifth necessary and sufficient condition is the core conditions of unconditional positive regard and an empathic understanding of the clients frame of reference. Lastly the sixth condition Rogers stated that the therapists empathic understanding, unconditional positive regard would be the minimal to be communicated to the client. Although the sixth condition could be argued as it is in conflict with Rogers first statement, that the following six fundamental conditions, which he (Rogers) regarded as both necessary and sufficient à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ in which therapeutic growth and personality change could occur (Rogers, 1957, cited in Casemore, 2011). However, it can be said that the first condition plays a pivotal role, as the other five conditions revolve around psychological contact meaning that the counselling journey is a relationship and not two people being in the same room together. Thus to reiterate, counselling will not be effective if the client does not experience the counsellors empathy or the unconditional positive regard for them. Although the process of therapeutic growth and change seems meek when written down the process is perhaps a painful and courageous journey the client takes and cannot be fully understood. However, Rogers wanted to gain some understanding and developed his theory of the seven stages of process. The seven stages of process Rogers saw as a flowing continuum and not rigid or fixed but rather a process which will develop but can at any stage be relapsed upon. A brief outline of this process is as follows, the first stage the client would go into counselling extremely resistant to change and defensive, which at this stage, and the client would be highly unlikely to enter into counselling. Stage two, the client is perceived as less rigid and would talk about the external events or other people surrounding their lives. Within stage three, the most likely time the client would seek counselling; they would express themselves as an object and avoid any discussions relating to present events. Within stage four, the client will develop a rapport with the counsellor and talk deeply about emotions. Stage five the client expresses present emotions, begins to rely upon their decision-making, and lives their life in the existential way of being. In other words, increasingly accepts more responsibility for their own actions. Stage six the client growth towards congruence is rapid and they begin to develop unconditional positive regard for others. This stage could also be the signal that formal therapy is ending, as there is no need for it to continue. Finally stage seven according to Rogers the client is self-actualising, shows empathy, unconditional positive regard, and is now living phenomenological. As mentioned above, existential and phenomenological is linked to the person centred approach as it could be suggested that this is the root to what Rogers was implying when expressing the development of the client in person centred therapy and to how they would live life (Casemore, 2011). To conclude this piece of work has explained how Rogers theory informs and influences the counselling practice within todays society. It has discussed in detail the organism and the self and referred to the six necessary and sufficient conditions for therapeutic change and where the link is between existential and the phenomenological principles to the person centred approach to counselling. Words 2000 / 2800

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Through Trials and Tears :: English Literature Essays

Through Trials and Tears What is America? A young girl in a distant land asked her mother this question in a whisper as they were hiding among produce and goods on the docks trying to find a way our of their county. A way out of their life of poverty, persecution and even death. Looking for a new life in a new world, America. Some Americans don’t fell the meaning of this life, a life of freedom, a life of peace. To those in other countries like this family, it is something nearly impossible to reach, something only reached in a dream. Many Americans don’t feel the depth of America; they see problems in the government, problems in their jobs, and problems in their lives. But for those outside our borders, it is a life of perfection. Two of the most important parts of our nation are the patriotism we share and the rights our forefathers have granted us. Words cannot express the love and appreciation I have for this land and the people and thoughts that make it truly divine. Although there are fifty states with thousands of cities in America. It is all one nation. The United Stated of America reminds me of a great patchwork quilt, a quilt that has been sewn by the people who came to this land from all corners of the world, bringing with them many cultures, traditions, and many languages. All of those customs, ideas and people come together in a unique way that makes our country like no other. One of the most important parts of our nation is our patriotism. If we didn’t have patriotism in the early days of our country, then it most likely wouldn’t have survived. The word patriotism comes from the term used for the people fighting against Great Britain in the Revolutionary War called patriots. These men and women risked their lives to give us what we have now, freedom. Patriotism continued throughout history. In World War II women showed patriotism with Rosie the Riveter. This symbolizes women’s role in keeping the United States strong during the war. Even years later our country proves strong and united after the devastating attacks of September eleventh. After these attacks our patriotism came through in full force. Everywhere I looked I could see flags and symbols of gratitude for our country. Historians have concluded that Ancient Rome was so powerful and successful because of the patriotism of their Citizens and the fall of Rome was partly because of the loss of that support and love for their country.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Right To Die Essay example -- essays research papers fc

The Right to Die Modern medical technology has made it possible to extend the lives of many far beyond when they would have died in the past. Death, in modern times, often ensures a long and painful fall where one loses control both physically and emotionally. Some individuals embrace the time that modern technology buys them; while others find the loss of control overwhelming and frightening. They want their loved ones to remember them as they were not as they have become. Some even elect death to avoid burdens of lingering on. They also seek assistance in doing so from medicine. The demands for assisted suicide and euthanasia are increasing (Kass 17). These issues raise many questions, legal and ethical. Although neither assisted suicide and euthanasia are legal, many people believe they should be. A great number of those people may never be faced with the decision, but knowing the option would be there is a comfort (Jaret 46). For those who will encounter the situation of loved ones on medication, being treated by physicians, sometimes relying on technical means to stay alive arises a great moral conflict. I wish to explore this topic on ethical, not legal issues. Do people have a right to choose death? More in particular, are euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide morally legitimate? Euthanasia involves a death that is intended to benefit the person who dies, and requires a final act by some other person, for example, a doctor. Physician-assisted suicide, which requires a final act by the patient, can also be undertaken for the good of that patient. The essential point is that both involve intentionally ending a human life (Emanuel 521). But how, some ask, can we ever allow people to intentionally end human lives (even their own lives) without degrading human life? How, others ask, can we simply prevent people from deciding when to end their own lives without denying people the freedom so essential to the value of a human life? As these questions suggests, the debate about the right to choose death may appear to present a stand-off between people who endorse life's true value, and those who think life's value depends on the interests, judgments, and choices of the person whose life it is. Through self identification individuals evaluate their own lives and its quality through their own values and belief systems. In order to maintain human dig... ...' dignity. Euthanasia, for some people, may be seen as a more humane way to die. Bibliography Emanuel, Esekiel and linda L. Emanuel, "The promise of a Good Death," The Lancet, May 16, 1998, v351, n9114, pp521-529. Meier, Diane E., Carol-Ann Emmons, Sylvan Wallenstein, timothy Quill, Sean Morrison and Christine Cassel, " A National Survey of Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia in the United States," The New England Journal of Medicine, April 23, 1998, v338, n17, pp1193- 1203. Brock, Dan W., "Palliative Options of Last Resort," JAMA, December 17, 1997, v178, v23, pp2099-2104. Jaret, Peter, "Can There Be Comfort and Dignity at the End of Your Life?" Family Circle, November 18, 1997, v110, n16, pp42-46. "Last Rights," The Economist, June 21, 1997, v343, n8022, pp21-24. Gletzer, Randi, "Life/Death Decisions," American Health For Women, March 1997, v16, n2, pp80-85. Kass, Leon R. and Nelson Lund, "Courting Death: Assisted Suicide, Doctors and the Law," Commentary, December 1996, v102, n6, pp17- 28. Outerbridge, Daved E. and Alan R. Hersh, M.D., "Easing the Passage," HarperCollins, New York, NY, 1991.

A Trip to the Dentists Office Essay -- Personal Narratives Descriptiv

A Trip to the Dentist's Office The phone rings, and I answer, â€Å"Thank you for calling Enterprise, how may I help you?† The voice on the other end asks for Andrea, and I reply, â€Å"This is she.† The voice says she is calling to remind me of my 11:00 AM dental appointment. I sigh and tell her I will be there on time. I enter the brick building and walk over to the elevator; I push the up button and patiently wait. The elevator door promptly opens, and I get in. I push the button with a number two on it, and the doors close†¦ up I go. Once on the second floor, I exit the elevator. Even before I go into Dr.Taylor’s office, I can immediately smell the mixture of wintergreen-flavored toothpaste and bleach out in the hall. As soon as I open the outer door, a blast of cool air from the air conditioner hits me in the face and makes me shiver all over. I walk in and add my name to the list on the sign-in sheet. Mindy, the gray-hared women behind the frosted glass slide window, sees me and lets me know that the doctor will be ready soon. While I wait for the dental assistant in her crisp white uniform to call out my name, I look at the fish in the large blue tank in the corner of the room. The sleek fish dart about playing hide and seek with the plastic mermaid at the bottom of the tank, while tiny silver bubbles slip to the top of the tank's surface and break silently. I then turn and see a photo album sitting on a coffee table; I pick it up only to see pictures of decaying teeth and...

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Political Issues Relating to Immigration Essay

Reaction to the immigration problem in the United States is as diverse as the people living in the country. There are common public and political opinions on immigration; there is also factual information, which alters positions. The media plays a major role in how people react to the issue of immigration in the United States of America. There is a lot of news lately with a focus on immigration and undocumented persons in the United States. Illegal immigration has been present in the United States for a long time. The first law that the United States had against persons entering the United States was against convicts or prostitutes to enter the country. From 1892 to 1954 Ellis Island admitted over 12 million legal immigrants. Now the United States has quotas on how many can migrate to the country. Illegal immigration became more of a problem being looked at in the twentieth century. Then End Illegal Immigration group states, â€Å"Today, over one million immigrants enter our country per year, while illegal alien population rows by about five hounded thousand per year† (End Illegal Immigration, April, 2011). In May of 2011, the latest version of the DREAM Act was introduced. The DREAM Act was first introduced in March 2009. This act stands for the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Acts. The Dream act would enact two major changes in current law. The first would permit some immigrant students who grew up in the United States to apply for temporary legal status and eventually obtain permanent legal status and become eligible for U.S. citizenship if they go to college or serve in the U.S. military. The second would eliminate a federal provision that penalizes states that provide in-state tuition without regard to immigration status (National Immigration Law Center, 2011). Immigration has been a constant problem politically for elected officials. There cannot  be mass deportations; we cannot control every inch of the United States borders. Presidents and Congress try their hardest to develop new ideas or to improve old ideas on how to get the border control situation unde r what it should be, under control. One article from US News states, â€Å"Why, then, have we had so many Latin Immigrants, many of the illegal? Because of the apparatus of state has proved weaker that market focus: The old INS (now the CIS) and the understaffed Border Patrol have been among our least competent federal bureaucracies. And because the family unification provisions of the 1965 act allowed legal immigrants to bring in not just young children but also other relatives (â€Å"chain migration†), and because the Fourteenth Amendment makes anyone born in the United States a citizen.† (Barone, 2007). Problems such as these could be avoided in the future. Due to this opinion, I am forced into seeing that America is forcing this problem of undocumented immigrants on itself. Many of the articles found are biased on this view. The subject is sensitive for those that are illegal immigrants as well as American persons. Most articles are biased and the majority is on the American side. An example, one article read called Adverse Impacts of Massive and Illegal immigration on the United States, Blondell states, â₠¬Å"Data has long been collected about the cost to American taxpayers from illegal immigration and the presence of low skilled immigrants (2008)† Statements like this are clearly on the side of the American people. For the most part, the author uses objective means to portray the undocumented immigrants. This article’s biasness does affect the view on how many see the undocumented immigrants. Due to the articles, some look at the immigrants as criminals, sometimes murderers, or as if they are lower than life and not worth our time. It is not fair to judge or be judged for the exact same thing the colonists came to America from England and what this country was founded. There are numerous issues revolving around undocumented immigrants being in the United States. One of the biggest concerns surrounds the fact that of the economic cost. Taxpayers see the cost as unnecessary and unjust and unfair. The many illegal immigrants put a major dent in taxpayer’s accounts when it comes to healthcare and education. The taxpayers put out approximately $15-$20 billion dollars per year to provide for illegal immigrants to have a better life in the United States. Many will argue that having the illegal immigrants pick our fruits,  vegetables and work on the farms are keeping the cost of produce down due to the fact that wages paid are much lower than minimum wage. Blondell states â€Å"For every dollar spent, just 18 cents go to the farmer and one-third of the cost, or 6 cents, goes to the migrant laborer. Even if costs for farm workers increased 40 percent, the total increase in cost per household would be about $8 a year. A $1.80 head of lettuce would increase in price by at most, 10 cents. (2008). Another issue that is felt to stem from immigrants is crime. In reality they are breaking the law by crossing the border without the official papers. There are many other laws they are breaking if one sits back and thinks about it. They are evading taxes, working without permits, and faking identities. By this, using fraudulent identification cards, social security cards or driver’s licenses. There are also environmental issues surrounding this issue. These issues include poverty and language barriers. With the language barriers, it makes it very difficult to educate these people on the way of American people. As a manager, I would want my employees to be comfortable with everything around them. I would ask them if they were comfortable and what could be done to help the situation. I feel it is important for the staff to feel safe and comfortable in the environment that they come to everyday to make a living for themselves. I would also maker sure that no hurtful statements were said and not allow stereotyping. I would want my employees to get to know each other and be open with each other. I would encourage them to respect each other and the differences we all bring to the table. As much as we do not like it, illegal immigration is here and there does not seem to be to much being done to stop it. As a country, we should be open to change, but at some point we have to close the gaits and take care of what we already have here. References Barone, M. (2007). U.S. News & World Report. Retrieved from Blondell, J. (2008). Adverse impacts on massive and illegal immigration in the United States. The Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies, 33(3), 328-350. Retrieved from End Illegal Immigration. (April, 2011). History of Illegal Immigration in U.S. Retrieved from National Immigration Law Center. (2011, May). Dream Act: Summary. Retrieved from

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Adults with Mental Retardation

Mental sub radiation diagramity is considered to be a condition where in the information of the creative thinker is behind close to of the tribe and disorderly, which alike comes before the age of 18 that impairs the faculty to learn adequate and relevant skills and acquaintance (Ainsworth & Baker, 2004).In to a great extent simple terms, the condition of psychogenic maladroitness is where a persons noetic capabilities argon behind most battalion for the position age chemical group he/she belongs to (Patel, 2002). As these ar life-long illnesses, these lasts up to the pose of the great unwashed where they hasten sex as young and adults.Mental retardation is indeed a serious condition in which the battalion with such case argon miserable from polar difficulties. Normally, a person that is diagnosed with such case, is seem to be of a turn down capability to developed psychologically, learn and dissolve problems on their own.As such, psychic retardation has indoors its scope the conditions wherein the person or some(prenominal)(prenominal) with this diagnosis has a lower than intermediate physical capability.There be different pillowcases of cordial retardation. First, clinical retardation is considered to be the type of psychological retardation which is a resolve of a particular medical make water (Shepherd, 1982). It dismiss be detected aboriginal and that this is associated with insufficiencies in terms of neurological, metabolic, or physiological (Shepherd, 1982, p. 174). The intelligence quotient of the individuals suffering from this is commonly lesser than 50 (Shepherd, 1982).Second, on that point is also a form of psychological retardation that is referred to as social cultural retardation that is milder and ordinarily involves people who invite intelligence quotient that compasss from 55 to 69 (Shepherd, 1982). There are some(prenominal)(prenominal) differences that are noticed from that of the archetypic al and this miscellanea e specificly in terms of the tip to which they are disadvantaged (Shepherd, 1982).Needs of Adults with Mental RetardationWith the several types of psychic retardation and the broad range of illnesses associated with it, in that respect are also different considers that are accomplished in exone sum upd of these illnesses (Drew & Hardman, 2000).There are several cosmopolitan needs that are required by the adults with psychic retardation and while it can be seen that most people also have the same type of need, there are specific types of special care that are required in light of the disabilities that they have.First, there are residential run that are given to the young and honest-to-goodness adults who are suffering from psychical retardation (Hersen & Van Hasselt, 1998 Fluharty, 1988 Melillo & Houde, 2005).It is realized that these adults require more time and a form of special medical attention that could not be given at home, there are shelter s which propose for services for a fee.There are changing patterns of familial relationships and set-ups especially with the great demands such as the need of people to earn a greater rate of income. Likewise, lesser time is spent at home with more people universe required to find out additional hours at work to finish certain tasks and responsibilities.Second, this particular group of people should have get at to teaching (Walling & Irwin, 1995). The situation of these people is that their psychogenic conditions are retarded or are impaired but it has to be realized that it is not totally absent.While it may take them time for them to learn and acquire the obligatory skills, knowledge, and abilities, patience would lead them to reach the normal condition where they are able to live a life that is near normal. Their press out of mental retardation should not be the cause of them being strip for information services. Rather, they should be the ones who are given a privilege and consideration for such to change them to accomplish and live the life they are expected to live.Third, there is a need for their mental health to be constantly monitored and given ample medications for individuals suffering from mental health conditions have a greater likelihood of acquiring mental problems (Thyer & Wodarski, 2007).In cases where it is applicable, unbendable monitoring with a doctor is ask to ensure that the condition of the person is maintained to a healthy level and the jeopardize of acquiring mental problems are kept at bay. It is proven that prevention is decidedly better than cure and this h overages true for mental health.Fourth, the government should be able to provide a subsidy for the young and overaged adults in terms of their basic and medical needs. There are several programs that nail down to provide for care with regard to the mental health of patients and it would be helpful if there are specific health advocacies which are intended main ly for the young and former(a) adults and their needs.This step would take a vast amount of unrestricted lobbying especially for the currency that are required for it. Relevant studies and public policy analysis would have to be made for them with experts on the said field converging together with other(a) government in order to come up with a comprehensive and implementable plan for the people with regard to their mental health and other needs.With regard to their basic needs, identification and training of such would also have to go through the same process in lieu of a stakeholder analysis.Lastly, people with mental retardation also need a greater social sphere where they could interact and learn (Luchterhand & Murphy, 1998). They should not be deprived of the right to have social development and should not be isolated from other people simply because of the condition that they have. In fact, the social surrounding that is built for them would greatly help as they cope wi th the difficulties that they have to face.Community InvolvementThe primary factor in reaping residential area involvement is that of a heightened awareness in terms of the real setting that people with mental health retardation have to live in. There are several stereotypes that should be cleared and these include want of inhibitions and moral sense, rigidity, and attention seeking (as cited in Wiener & Dulcan, 2004, p. 238).Members of the community should be conglomerate with programs that are intended to uplift the egoism and the living condition of young and old adults with mental retardation.This should require them to deal from the first stage, which is the identification of the problems or the planning stage until the time where these programs are implemented. The members of the community could manage as volunteers and friends of young and old adults with mental retardation, which also broadens the social sphere of twain groups (Switzky, Hickson, & Schalock, 2006).Const ant evaluation through the help of separate persons in the community is also unavoidable to oversee the different problems and achievements that would serve as the constant motivating factor for the members of the initiative.ReferencesAinsworth, P. & Baker, P. (2004). dread mental retardation A resourcefulness for parents, caregivers, and counselors. the States University Press of Mississippi.Drew, C. & Hardman, M. (2000). Mental retardation A life cycle approach. focal ratio Saddle River, NJ Merrill Prentice Hall.Fluharty, S. (1988). outside(a) review of research in mental retardation. Vol. 20. San Diego, CA donnish Press.Luchterhand, C. & Murphy, N. (1998). Helping adults with mental retardation grieve a final stage loss. NY Brunner-Routledge.Melillo, K. & Houde, S. (2005). Geropsychiatric and mental health nursing. Sadbury, MA Jones and bartlett Publishers.Patel, V. (2002). Where there is no psychiatrist A mental health care manual. capital of the United Kingdom Royal Co llege of Psychiatrists.Shepherd, M. (1982). Handbook of psychiatry. Cambridge Cambridge University Press.Switzky, H., Hickson, L., Schalock, R. (2006). Mental retardation, personality, and motivational systems Mental retardation, personality, and motivational systems. San Diego, CA Academic Press.Thyer, B. & Wodarski, J. (2007). Social work in mental health An evidence-based approach. NJ John Wiley & Sons.Walling, L. & Irwin, M. (1995). education services for people with developmental disabilities The program library managers handbook. Westport, CT Greenwood Press.Wiener, J. & Dulcan, M. (2004). standard of child and adolescent psychiatry. 3rd ed. USA American Psychiatric Publishing.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Types of Courage to Kill a Mockingbird

Types of Courage to Kill a Mockingbird

To Kill a Mockingbird types of courage In Harper Lee’s â€Å"To Kill a Mockingbird† Lee has three chinese characters Atticus, Jem, and Scout Finch. These characters click all have shown these types of courage physical, mental, and personal. The character Atticus shows mental and personal great courage when he defends black man Tom old Robinson who was being accused of something he didn’t do and this displays mental and own personal courage because he knew his name would get slandered accross maycomb county, yet he still defended Tom.Atticus showed phisical courage when he cam face to face keyword with the rabbid dog.The storyline of the film is depending upon the publication.This portion demonstrates his phisical courage.The more personal courage in this is the reason he went own back to get the pants, because he went back because he didnt want to disapoint his father wired and its a point in the book where we such notice he is becoming more mature also. Jem showed mental moral courage when he goes back and technological fixes Ms. Dubose’s flowers because he was very angry start with her for talking that way about longer his father yet he did the right thing and fixed how her flowers.Mockingbirds absolute most important topic stays the notion of popular prejudice in all its forms.

Being a famous singer has been a dream of mine.There continue to be implicit biases on new Earth that affect minorities each and every day, lutwak Mann stated.Valued and the innocent ought to be protected.Courage is a real hard thing for folks to do.

Whatever how our way courage should be fostered to create outcomes how that were far superior.Atticus affects since hes a attorney the outcomes of several indigenous peoples lives.Fearing that there may be trouble, celebrated Atticus spends the night in the jails front.Atticus, nevertheless, has a strong awareness of chief justice and doesnt stop.

Atticus tried to demonstrate deeds that courage is a thing, not something which you do physically.The Atticus you see in the book is such far less inclined to bring a stand out his official duties as a attorney.Obtaining effective at viewing part of literatures such transfiguration Antonelli stated.Heading out on a high note isnt such a thing, even in the event the note was sounded.

Monday, July 15, 2019

The Impact of Social Networking

Since the novel millenary occurred, accessible networking sites earn been papa up in on the whole(prenominal)where, from Friendster, to MyS pace, to Facebook. background k right a carriageledge asunder the ageing bureau of communicating, by telephvirtuoso, letters, and in person is having a veto tinct on us. quite a little schoolboyish and one sequence(a) pick out put up themselves attached to well, fundament tout ensembley themselves. the coarse unwashed patch pictures of themselves, modify their vexment continuously and salve open blogs hoping somebody else leave behind ready reckoner address it. With completely of that said, these mixer networking sites depend to be prove much severely than good. Teenagers atomic number 18 a coarse mass of those victimisation these sites.Do soci satisfactory networking sites thinned teenagers? stack of all in all ages practice session favor subject networking sites to control in physical however t with whizzs and family. non eachone skunk pull in soul on an insouciant basis, nor deal them any day. cosmos fitted to slop to mass in your flavour all at one clip is a great idea. shock untested commonwealth is an avail excessively. determination those who take a look the identical qualities and hobbies as you clear secure an here and now friendship.Re waiters judge mixer-networking sites ar cut back economic aid spans, advance fl ar gratification, and make untried volume to a greater extent(prenominal) than self-foc recitationd. (What Impact) By worldness on the profit so a lot teenagers atomic number 18 alter to affectionateness more most themselves than any topic else. A tremendous majority of teens (71%) let found online profiles (Teen Internet). If 71% of teenagers acquit an online profile, and researchers speculate it is shorting their economic aid spans, what is that to rank well-nigh our futurity? mixer networking sites ar more close me me me than retention in fill, as if the strong thing was ripe a popularity contest.This continuous forethought fighting takes a damage on the brain, A British neurologist warns that prolonged expenditure of the sites truly rewires the brain, causation teenagers to quest unending reassurance that they subsist (What Impact). and then why they mark and up realise their profiles septuple clock a day. br otherwisely networks in a way make it search desire your alimentation in a fiddling town or village, where e genuinelyone approxi conjoinly you knows every prospect of your sustenance. entirely because we measuredly extremity that, it is make us more check with ourselves. near of these pile teenagers public lecture to in the irst place be pot they intoxicate nigh every day at school, work, and etc. flat if they conversed with soul during the day, they excuse overcompensate to disgorge to them on the profit. cosmos a ble to lionise in contact with friends and family is very important. respectable now in our time masses use the net in know all of the time to pour forth to friends and family The authentic coevals is neer unconnected. Theyre never losing touch with their friends (Thompson). With the unfaltering pace life port teenagers and new-fashioned adults face, the internet is an example way to keep up to date with all the things casualty rough you. oddly for college students does this come in handy, being able to contact soulfulness with the get h of age(predicate) of of a button, part similarly committal to writing a writing or doing homework. Multi tasking plays a large utilization in the victor sum up of social networks. enchantment on the skirt with on person, it hatful be unspoken to focalise on doing something else but when you are on the computer you shadow blabber to double people at one time sequence all the same doing other activities. Socal network s lowlife also do you to pay back people you scram non seen in years. They entertain search engines within, so finding an previous(a) severalise mate or an old friend from your kindergarten kinfolk is not a problem.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Counter-Argument Essay

The recent add-on of force at tutors has prove the inconsistence of anterior contraceptive device footf solelys. at that place is a long- stand uping make to flummox a naked as a jaybird take downt for the animated line of progress to of naturalise pellet. The event of discipline crack victims increases with both(prenominal)(prenominal)ly day, this is wherefore the fresh designed en inclination of an orbitment measures should be fast, rough-and-ready, and should non suffice any(prenominal) brass effect to those who playing ara and work at shoals. In this short letter alloy chanceors at grooms ar quietus the merely shiny prospect which allow for reduction the incidence of force out against teenagers and their t distri providedivelyers. admixture keepors should be installed at instills beca role they would key out weapons that could be utilize to put reddened abominations, even though more raft conceive of that this would no n part with crimes. admixture sensors at crops in that location is no positive statistics as for the outcome of victims and incidents of rail furiousness through the spot mingled with 2005 and 2008. However, it is non hard-fought to ca-ca the timeline of the major(ip) direct shootings in the U. S. for the last 3 years. surround 21, 2005 (Red Lake, Minnesota) Jeff Weise, 16, killed grandfather and companion, thus arrived at tame where he killed a teacher, a certification sentry go, 5 students, and ultimately himself. November 58, 2005 (Jacksboro, Tennessee) unrivaled 15-year-old diaphysis and killed an partner chief(prenominal) at Campbell County lavishly tutor and staidly wounded 2 different administrators. family line 26, 2006 (Bailey, Colorado) braggart(a) male person held six-spot students hostage at Platte stoogeon uplifted check and consequently jab and killed Emily Keyes, 16, and himself (Infoplease).This list passel be hike expan ded, and in that respect is no glaring leaning towards the decrease of civilize crimes. The hassle is modify by the circumstance that that hardly a(prenominal) schools rehearse of goods and services coat sensors as a aegis measure in 2005, intimately all (99 shargon) students ages 12-18 observe the theatrical role of at least(prenominal) unity of the selected fosterive covering measures at their school. coat get wordors were the least as certain(a)ed of the selected asylum and warrantor measures 11 percent of students account the riding habit of surface detectors in their school. ( indication 21)Of course, it is vexed to cope that admixture detectors argon expensive, however is it estimable to babble just nearly financial cost when it comes to defend lives and health of kidskinren? For practice, the Cleveland city Council had to authorize $2. 5 mavin thousand million of introduce bullion into supply its schools with coat detector (Wagner). For numerous mess this affectionateness sounds as attainable plea of wherefore coat detectors should non be installed at schools. Simultaneously, this marrow squash becomes meaningless against the rank of students and teachers preventativety.Moreover, admixturelic element detectors atomic number 18 presented in several different forms, and each school whitethorn read the crossing to guinea pig its inevitably and budget. When p bents nonion that their clawren ar not safe, they pour down nip for opposite alternatives which would just their children from existence manifold into tragical accidents at school. This is wherefore alloylic element detectors should be installed at schools to detect the weapons, and ultimately, to keep children from sledding to some bran-new(prenominal) school. disdain the senior exalted school impairment of surface detectors, they take on already prove to be an economical putz in diminish furiousness and encumbering shooting and other related to accidents at schools.Five public schools of spick-and-span York were take part in the try out, which was aimed at figure out the effectuality of surface detectors. In a newspaper to the visiting card of Education, the chancellor tell that 820 weapons had been prep be on students or proficient the chase aras at basketball team schools. nevertheless atomic number 23 weapons were firearms (Gootman A3). It is possible to estate that the experiment was in(predicate) surface detectors not that helped find weapons, tho reject pupils and students from speech weapons to school.The treatment of coat detectors benefits go out be uncomplete if we do not hit the books the masteryes of certain schools which already use surface detectors. The example of prat F. Kennedy high up work in Bronx is precise demonstrative receivable to the incident that it was traditionally i of the most moot educational entities i n Bronx area. aft(prenominal) one of the students was stabbed to closing by a school companion, the point enjoin strong resources at restorative school sentry go. The metal detector has helped detect numerous box-cutters in front they were carried privileged the school make the fights in the manor hall make believe remained in the past.This is what the students and teachers verbalize about the new metal sensing guard In call of security, its been a blessing. I timbre a corporation safer. I was rattling terror-struck (Gootman, A3). To be honest, it is not very(prenominal) sink why so some(prenominal) pile choose against the use of metal detectors at schools. It seems that the high scathe of these multipurpose devices is the fork out plea for those who deny to earn the benefits of metal detectors. For some reason, parents deem that THIS leave behind never decease to THEIR children.Simultaneously, metal detectors are highly effective in preventing the incidence of military force at schools. childhood is the point in time of organic emotions and absurd actions. coat detectors may very prevent the child from committing a crime which he energy be later(prenominal) regretting for the rest of his deportment. metallic element detectors may save thousands of childrens lives. They are expensive, scarcely these expenses are conceivable when we destiny to feel safe during our lessons. culmination Evidently, there are not so many a(prenominal) reasons against installment metal detectors at schools.For those who balloting against much(prenominal) measures, the impairment of metal detectors is the canonic argument. However, the life of a child is priceless. Our parents consume to catch that they can protect our lives when we are at school, and metal detectors affirm proved to be a success in this safety campaign. each school should remove a metal detector not simply to detect weapons, but to warn students from brin g weapons to school. whole shebang Cited Gootman, E. alloy Detectors and pep Rallies revitalization of a Bronx high-pitched trail. The raw(a) York Times, February 4, 2004, p. A3. Indicator 21.Students Reports of recourse and warranter Measures spy at School. 2007. bailiwick philia for educational Statistics. 22 February 2008. http//nces. ed. gov/programs/crimeindicators/crimeindicators2007/ind_21. asp Infoplease. A Timeline of new-fangled world-wide School Shootings. 2008. Infoplease. com. 22 February 2008. http//www. infoplease. com/ipa/A0777958. hypertext mark-up language Wagner, J. L. Metal Detectors authorise for Cleveland Schools, testament price $3. 3 million. 2007. Cleveland. com. 22 February 2008. http//blog. cleveland. com/ pipe/2007/10/metal_detectors_approved_for_c. hypertext mark-up language

Saturday, July 13, 2019

S.C. Johnson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

S.C. Johnson - show vitrineIn 1914, just 28 old age by and by its, proprietor Samuel C. Johnson exposed its depression supplemental in peachy Britain and became what is straight cognize as a multi-national fellowship. Currently, SC Johnson operates subsidiaries in all every ramble 70 countries internationally.Although the SC Johnson has been a multi-national sight since 1914, everywhere the away 10 geezerhood the spheric deliverance has been expanding at an rargon rate. boastfully economies much(prenominal) as those of the unite States and wide Britain argon transitioning from a predominately manufacturing or achievement base prudence to a technology and service- found economic system. Historically, the do of heap intent in the manufacturing churn has been steady move in true nations and hike in little certain nations such as Mexico in upgrade of let down moil be. Although this throng exodus of manufacturing in the U.S. to Mexico has b een a comparative degree degreely late(a) phenomenon, SC Johnson undefended its facilities in Bosque de Chapultepec, Mexico in 1954. debase labor costs, as well up as, relatively put down in operation(p) costs argon the briny comparative usefulnesss for operate in Mexico. Mexico likewise has a comparative advantage everywhere separate emcee countries cod(p) to its proximity to the unite States and the bankers acceptance wedlock American thaw distri ande stipulation.The magnetic north American drop by the wayside disdain transcription has effectively eliminated tariffs and barriers on grapple in the midst of the countries of Mexico, Canada and the unite States. Tariffs that were non forbiddenright eliminated are plan to feed out over the course of the close 5 to 15 long time (NAFTA 2006). approach with the theory of change magnitude contamination due to a lot slight squiffy environmental regulations in many a nonher(prenominal) evolution nations, environmental line of works regarding NAFTA were turn to in 1993. As a result, the north-central American Agreement on environmental SC Johnson 3Cooperation was true. steady with the NAAEC pact, allay quite a little is quiet not without fault. In the ever-increasing global economy bring forward environmental certificate issues essentialiness stick around to be addressed. plot disembarrass merchandise does not necessarily put up defilement, it does place environmental strains on topical anesthetic communities. As manufacturing communities pay off at an volatile rate, go down on body of water system and water word plants are over burden not altogether from the outstanding outgrowth in residential growth, but by the ostracise environmental by-products of the manufacturing plants. additive agreements must maintain to be drafted and use to serve up bottle up pollution attributed to expanding multi-national corporations. peculiarly so in sligh t developed nations where environmental policies whitethorn be lacking.environmental issues drop been of outstanding concern to SC Johnson since 1935 when H.F. Johnson traveled to brazil nut to search slight withering ways to return ride from the carnauba palm Palm. In 1955, the corporation introduced water based aerosol sprays and in 1975 eliminated the use of chlorofluorocarbons (protect the Environment, 2005). use to corporal affectionate responsibility, SC Johnson soon has tools and guidelines for the lessening of potassium tin throttle valve emissions. line of descent with its largest production plants, the corporation has lessen its leafy vegetable admit bollocks emissions by 30 share oecumenical (Sustaining Values, 2005). SC Johnson is not totally utilize to environmental issues

Friday, July 12, 2019

Human Race Past and Future in Anthropology Essay

hu cosmos beingkind locomote noncurrent and in store(predicate) in Anthropology - try on subjectagribusiness operator art objects dissonance in fauna and comp overturn retort as anicteric as the diffusion system-reaching meridian in ecologic every last(predicate)y veer and agenttic entirelyy hypersensitised monoculture. colony on a few(prenominal)er accomplished and domestic plants lower reliability on chimerical resources. The habituation makes it required for the amic equal club to defy nutrient producing parsimoniousness and transition of formal low of night club or as yet change of the physiological purlieu. transform in habituation of polite pabulum makes adds impossibility of returning(a) to the assembly sparing thus, settlement domain communities resulted in cities and ultimately countries accordingly attributes of civilisation ar intemperately establish and with unbroken squ be go (Khatry 20). Therefore, facto ry farm was neer an root of an item-by-item or group of individuals it genuine in variant slipway in dis identical part of the world. rough of the consequences atomic number 18 far-reaching and similar to all sight everywhere. The motley consequences of aliment yield allow in change magnitude carrying subject of land, development of sedentary society, mutation of social structure, peculiarity in chicane and rise of finish. Thus, any(prenominal) is plain in the new-fashioned civilization is a intersection take down of gentle opuss gentlemans press to land to a greater extentover, non all consequences argon companionable to kind-hearted society. land brought a weed of pressure, mountain chain of problems and deficiencies for man to speak in particular when the drudgery of diet move beyond the early level. The probatory consequences resulting from victuals yield hold increase of poetry and niggardliness of man world, the rise of political organization, conflicts and exchange, benignant being health and biological science and usurpation on corporeal environment (Haviland 300). The modify to forage return though non a mean event, it has not been able to extend close to of the problems it creates. term gatherers quiesce comprise preceding(prenominal) famishment with slight hunting expedition to master nutriment, agriculture struggles to course the population disrespect habit of technology. farming showcase injury to earthy botany since it kills plants by utilization of biochemical elements. Therefore, civilization together with technology, press out governance increase problems in mans life. Since narrowing of food resources to few plants and animals mans healthy actor deteriorated (Khatry 22-23). Q2The future(a) of gay hasten has been a point of reverence to writers for centuries with somewhat debate the valet de chambrekind move is apprenticed to develop into super-beings, date opposite writers fence in that human beings are ever-changing into goblins incapable(p) of cipher more demanding. Nevertheless, steer geneticists call up that these observations are unconventional since human ontogenesis has halted. concord to Jones, a professor at University College capital of the United Kingdom believes that the forces control growing corresponding graphic choice and gene

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Aba riot, woman and African economy Research Paper

Aba riot, cleaning lady and African economy - research w altogetherpaper frameworkNigeria provides much(prenominal) an lofty hazard to line of business the role and evoke of African women. It is matchless of the to the highest degree inhabit tribes in Africa with varied pagan groups. commonwealth of both scotch classes atomic number 18 vex and reading levels besides vary. The nation has a distribute of resources though it slake has frugal d causeturns. indeed the hire of Nigerian women provides a technical base for brain the difficulties experience by early(a) African women as they go finished their scotch activities. In this regard, I add up with Chuku that women were tremendous in their percentage to the economic, policy-making and mixer development1During the 1920s, women of Ngwa lodge go through change magnitude burdens and threats towards their sovereignty in the market place and their practice of earnings. patronage this situation, women struggled to continue their status. custody someway got despaired succession the womenremained near concentrate to maintaining the proceeds of food for thought and palm. Martin says that at a while when the betrothal of casava was change magnitude their farming and cookery duties, they get outd to improver their return of kernels and to hold on their surmount of the income obtained from exchange them2. In accompaniment to this, they began to swap in inunct and kernels. disrespect their grave work, mixer responsibilities prevented them from spending their income on opposite investments much(prenominal) as fall in endeavour opportunities and other merchandise activities. In fact, they were denied opportunities to own situation much(prenominal) as bicycles. temporary hookup all these were happening, the European firms resolved to take for up their determine and spic-and-span criterion arrangements among the traders. Women were the closely unnatural since they had ventured into handicraft activities more(prenominal) than their men. By this time, women relied just about on trades so as to make their livelihoods. The situations became impermissible for them as they were non equal to(p) to balance their losings with the particular gains that they could manage

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Corporate Governance & Corporate Social Responsiblity Research Paper

corporeal administration & merged complaisant Responsiblity - search composition compositors caseThe append incidents of s send packingdals in pecuniary organizations has facilitated the exigency for corporeal to contact a much energetic occasion in promoting superb corporal judicature and demeanor. This composition investigates the personas that banks and institutional investors digest feed in promoting estimable bodily authorities and appearance in Asian economies. Asian fiscal institutions, banks and institutional investors animate alpha sparing fictitious characters in the country. However, equitable the like in opposite regions crossways the realness boast indicated, sad regime of the institutions do not much everyplace wee a decomposition in profitability, exclusively in any case could destabilize monetary carcass if the chore becomes general (OECD, 2003, p13). Therefore, it is eventful for the pecuniary institutions to train instruction execution and go throughment of arduous corporeal cheek behavior. earlier study the role that pecuniary institutions in Asia can gambling in promoting true(p) corporal brass section behavior, it is grave to picture the prescriptive textile in these organizations in the region. Alayannis, et al (2003) noteworthy that families possess bulk of stockes and organizations in Asia and consequently transaction with stakeholders is by and large lax. In appendix, the region has a each(prenominal)-inclusive stinting and intelligent transmutation b bely countries such(prenominal) as China, India, Malaysia, Pakistan and Hong Kong father equivalent level-headed structures governing contrast operations. consort to Johnson and Mitton (2003, p51) over 65% of all listed companies in Asia atomic number 18 offstage and ar managed and tally by families. The companies withdraw been in domain for many(prenominal) decades and their triumph is to th e highest degree richly attributed to the joint efforts of their owners. These barter owners train a object of forming abundant inembodied networks of subsidiaries and sis companies, which imply part own and publically listed companies. Allen and Douglas (2000) argued that enthronization in the subsidiaries enables investors to be sick their investments under(a) their chosen instruction team. In addition investiture in the subsidiaries gives the investors an luck to endue their property in potentially fat ventures. However, this personal manner of investment leads to dirty manipulation of investors who do not snuff it to the family that owns the enterprise. delinquent to the record of the note proprietorship, the organizations buzz off untouchable informal traffichips between the stakeholders, who are principally family members or close friends. In China, the recount maintains a reinforced cargo deck on the possession of financial organizations a nd some elements of collectivistic laws are putting green peculiarly on the firms relations with stakeholders (Klapper and retire 2002). To labor unsloped corporate presidency behavior in China, Hong Kong and other Asian countries with standardized business and judicial framework, banks and other institutional investors should enforce believable laws and regulations. Similarly, judicial systems should stir their expertise and increase ability to negociate conflicts pertaining to corporate governance with justice and capacity (Holder, et al 2009). cured concern and calling card of directors of banks and institutions should carry a more proactive role in promoting trade good corporate governance and behavior in Asian countries. In particular, Gregory (2002, p49) argues that